AmigaOS3.5 (545/967)

Date:17 May 2000 at 14:58:00
Subject:Re: scsi vs ide

Hello Peter,

On 17-May-2OOO, You Said:


>> Just on this topic, I installed the PowerFlyer last month along with PFS3
>> & I'm pretty happy with the transfer speed i.e. I get 8,548,173 MB/Second
>> on my Quantum Fireball CX 6.4A IDE With a blocksize of 512K In PIO 5 Mode,
>> Running on an A12OO 030 16MB.

> That is pretty impressive.

Hey, Thanx :)

>> A friend I know only gets 5�MB/Second on his BPPC 240/060 PFS3 :(

> Yeah, but does he have a PowerFlyer?

Yeah, He has, He's the guy who fitted my PowerFlyer for me.
It was quite funny to look at his face when he did a speed
test on my newly installed PowerFlyer :)

According to him It's something todo with the BPPC Cards not
working to well along side the PowerFlyers.... ( A Known Problem)....
Or maybe he's just making up some sad story???



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